Many creative solutions are created from a wealth of experience and knowledge of industry needs. Coord has developed into a modern company with core business in solutions to problems in sport.
We have gone from a firm based on ideas and communication to a strategic partner where Coord appears as a think tank and catalyst in the sports industry.
Göran Aspgren, Managing Director at Coord
Public Private Partnership is a modern way to create a responsible economy in public administration and development. PPP solutions often provide significant added value that is not possible in traditional public procurement.
Coord adds value to its customers who are always at the centre of our projects. The winner is above all the grass root user who may be the individual athlete and her health, the countryside around the farm or the city’s residents.
We believe that the modern and functional design is the key to success, as well as a thoughtful siting of urban development. High quality and a clear environmental policy are included in all our projects.